Bitcoin Investments

Today, I will discuss the rampant field of bitcoin and bitcoin-related investments.

Bitcoin is still considered as a high-risk (and possibly also high reward) investment venue by itself – as in buying bitcoin as an investment.

However, there are also other options of which, I will review a few here:

Lend and borrow Bitcoin

1. BTCJam – a lending/borrowing platform that connects bitcoin investors with people who are looking to be funded. The interest rates run anywhere from 1-20 percent but you can mitigate your risks by using the robust rating system the site offers to make sure you’ll see your money and interest back as promised.

150% on your initial investment in 10 days??

2. Leancy – Pretty new platform which the owners claim is used to invest in start-up companies portfolio – thus allowing it to provide a high interest back to its investors. This is still a High Yielding Investment Program (HYIP), and as such, it’s a walk on the wild side and should be considered carefully. But if you do decide to go into it, the rewards are better than almost any conventional route. 50 percent on your initial investment within 10 days of putting your money in. Leancy became SCAM.

On top of these two options, I also gave a try to a recent popular self-proclaimed bitcoin based ponzi scheme , which started as an experimental website (called this way by its anonymous owner) published on the biggest bitcoin forum. within a few days, over 340 bitcoins found their way to the website’s wallet, and most of the people who sent their coins in, got reimbursed with interest (120% in total) as promised. However… bigger investors seemed to run into some problems as some of them never saw their investment again. When you consider this is a self proclaimed ponzi scheme, it comes as no real surprise. Since then, the website is declared as closed, even though the old website is still active. But if you would like to try this concept, there is a new almost identical active clone site at this address: – remember that there’s no guarantee you’ll see your money back, so choose the amount wisely.

I hope you enjoy this post!


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