Quantum, Warp, Replicator, Transporter, Medical Tricorder, Jump Drive. These are just a few of the words describing imaginary technologies portrayed in books, films, and television programs. A lot of these words originated in real-world theories such as Quantum physics, Theory of Relativity, Radiology and many others. The writers simply took the exotic sounding names and …
Almost a year in waiting, months of delays, leaks, and updates. But it’s here now. It’s the smaller, better, more elegant equivalent of kinect – for the desktop (or laptop) PC. It’s called “LEAP” and what it is, is a motion/volume sensor that allows you to control your pc using gestures and movements with (up …
With the generous help of carbon fiber, a new technology by the name “UltraRope” allows to reduce the weight of elevators apparatus as well as the energy required for its operation. These days, elevators are a common sight. But even with its broad use and common appearance, they are not without their limits. People wish …
• The Not One Less camera concept features a backward-facing camera in addition to the standard forward-facing lens. This allows the photographer to pose at the same time as the other subjects are making their best duck faces, then the picture snapper’s face is sort of awkwardly inserted into the corner of the photo. The concept …
Two new tablet models by Ainol are making their way to the crowded Android tablet market: Ainol Novo 10 Captain and Ainol Novo 10 Hero II So, what’s so special about these two that makes them rise above the crowd? Ainol is a chinese tablet and other gadgets chinese manufacturer founded in 2004 and located …