Upcoming PC Games

Here are a few of the games that I look forward to: Simcity (2013)This is a big franchise that’s been around since 1989 when Maxis released the first city building game, the first Simcity. Since then there were several versions and even competitors such as Cities XL 2012 tried their hand in the metropolitan building endeavour. …

Toshiba Excite 10 Tablet

Today I’m going to review this Android Tablet: The Toshiba Excite 10, an android tablet powered by Nvidia’s Tegra 3 CPU. Not to be confused with it’s older brother, the Toshiba Excite 10 LE (Limited Edition), this one has a much more powerful yet efficient CPU (Nvidia’s Quad-core Tegra 3 at 1.2GHz vs. Texas Instruments …

Open World Games

Today I want to talk about Open World Games. Open World Games are games where you are free to roam the game world and not limited to specific areas like in most racing games, or many scripted games. Examples for open world games are: Skyrim (or the whole of Elder Scrolls game series), Grand Theft …

Oracle VirtualBox

Oracle Virtualbox is a (now) free Virtualization program from Oracle. Who made it? Originally it was developed by a company named “Innotek”. What is it? A virtualization program is a program that allows you to run one or more guest virtual computers inside one physical computer. This feet is accomplished by emulating in software (nowadays with support built into …