Bitcoin took a hit when the notorious “Silk Road” underground black market closed recently. The coin dived to a value of 109 USD from over 140 USD per bitcoin. Some said it’s the demise of bitcoin as it was always linked to underground shady activities – being relatively anonymous and offering some level of security, …
Since I wrote my bitcoin article, the BTC to dollar rate zoomed up more than 10 times its value then. From about 16 USD per coin, to about 190 USD per coin. Some say it’s a bubble ready to burst. But there are very legitimate reasons for this spurt. People are tired of banks sucking …
Current Bitcoin Rate in US dollars: It all started August 18, 2008, when a person or a group, known only as “Satoshi Nakamoto” registered a new domain known as From there, he released an initial design paper for the new cryptographic Bitcoin currency on October 21st, registered the Bitcoin client project on Sourceforge on November 9, and mined …