Tag Archives: 3d

From Science Fiction to Real World Technology

Quantum, Warp, Replicator, Transporter, Medical Tricorder, Jump Drive. These are just a few of the words describing imaginary technologies portrayed in books, films, and television programs. A lot of these words originated in real-world theories such as Quantum physics, Theory of Relativity, Radiology and many others. The writers simply took the exotic sounding names and …

The Leap to 3d gesture control

First review/preview post is about this amazing new device called “Leap” or “The Leap” It’s a small rectangular box which holds several sensors inside, connects to your PC/MAC/Laptop/Tablet via USB and allows you very fine control at your fingertips. Remember “Minority Report“? It’s the same concept, fine-tuned. How fine? Have a look at this photo: …