We knew this day was coming, the sci-fi film and literature industries have taught us well: A Japanese corporationĀ called “Softbank” announced that it will begin sale of personal robots by February 2015. These personal robots are meant to be used as baby sitters (or maybe monitors?), nurses , emergency medical workers and even party companions …
CNT Computer Scientists at Stanford University managed to build the world’s first carbon nano-tubes (CNT) based computer. It’s pretty puny – with 178 transistors, and they’re pretty big in size – comparable to silicon transistors, but with the potential to be much much smaller, and cooler. This is a huge breakthrough as the team managed …
With the generous help of carbon fiber, a new technology by the name “UltraRope” allows to reduce the weight of elevators apparatus as well as the energy required for its operation. These days, elevators are a common sight. But even with its broad use and common appearance, they are not without their limits. People wish …