Star Citizen: Squadron 42

I wrote a preview about it, in another language, at another place.

Here I wanted to say a few more things:

Squadron 42 is a very ambitious endeavour. It’s being taken on by Chris Roberts, the father (and mother) of the Wing Commander Saga – and because of that it got a very good chance to reach fruition.

Roberts is attempting to get the remainder (which is already a good sign – he already built a big chunk of the game) of the funding from the public via his own website.

I must admit, I have a vested interest in this to succeed, as I already plonked  down money for a copy of the game when it will be released. It’s a rare thing for me to do, and as such I have big hopes for this game.

These days, It’s a gutsy thing to take on a giant project such as this with dozens of employees and a tight time table. He plans to release alpha version in a year and a beta version in about two years. I am not sure when he started working on it, but I am pretty certain it has been at least a year in the making before he went to crowd funding, judging from the amount of screenshots and videos available for the game already.

It doesn’t mean the game mechanics are in, as you can do lots of animations without having any game mechanics, but the graphics takes a big chunk of time to do by themselves.

An update that just came in: The funding project almost passed the 500,000$ mark! that’s 3 days after they first announced the funding!

Gives me high high hopes.

Anyhow: the game incorporates the player into a living breathing universe of space fights, flights, and trade. You will be able to make money, buy ships, and even have your friends over as guests on your ship, if you have enough money.

The graphics are expected to be at a level 10 times that of today’s consoles. But that’s just a part of it. The game is going to be pretty complex considering the amount of players at the same time, all rendered in high detail, and including a dynamic trade and interaction system where your actions may affect the universe in ways you can’t foresee.

Seeing that the money is pouring in, I’m staying optimistic!

And on a side note  Just finished playing “Dishonored”. Excellent, but definitely is inspired by “Max Payne”, “Half Life 2” (graphics wise mostly), and “Thief”. Still a great game.


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